As an expert in race, racism, implicit bias, and health disparities for people of color, I find this so intriguing!
Let's unpack by first asking ourselves a few questions:
Should healthcare providers assume a patient's race/ethnicity based on how they look?
0%Of course! I can always tell.
0%Absolutely not! We should never assume.
Do healthcare providers have a right to tell someone what race/ethnicity they should identify as?
Of course! They should pick the race they look most like.
Absolutely not! Patients should always self-identify.
Do patients have a right to identify as Biracial/Multiracial/Multiethnic?
Of Course! Patients have a right to self-identify.
Absolutely not! Our form/EMR only allows one choice.
So, to answer the title question of this blog, "How can healthcare providers determine their patient's race or ethnicity"? ASK THEM! Everyone has the right to self-identify.
Confused, triggered, or intrigued? What Is Race & Why Does It Matter? Implicit Bias & Health Equity Education for ALL explores these questions and more. Check out the FREE Course Preview.